Week 1: 2019

This year will be my year, I am going to do everything in my power to making it the best year yet.  I have so much to look forwards to and so many new adventures planned, I just need to have the courage to do the things that scare me.

January has always been a tough time of year for me, I find it very lonely and depressing after the Christmas hype.  Everyone is struggling for money, the weather is miserable and it gets dark at around about 3pm.  I feel motivated for a few days with my New Years resolutions and then I get bored or fed up of them.

This first week of the year has been a hard one, physically and mentally, as I had the flu over Christmas and my mental state is very low at the moment.  I have been sleeping for a minimum of 12 hours each night and I still wake up exhausted the next day and have to have a nap around 2pm.  My appetite has never been amazing, but since getting ill my anorexic mindset has returned and I am once again fighting this disorder which I thought I had conquered.

Even thought I have lacked motivation this week, I have managed to go to the gym twice which isn’t bad considering the way I’ve been feeling.  But I aspire and aim to go a minimum of four times a week, as I know this will adequately challenge me.

Not everything has been bad this week, and Im going to try to focus more on the positives so here are my top three things that have happened this week;

  1. My cousin got engaged on New Year’s Eve.
  2. I haven’t self harmed this year!
  3. I saw one of my best friend and we had a crazy night.

I really hope to post weekly on my blog and to keep track of my journey this year.  I hope everyone has had a fabulous for week to 2019, lots of love Rach xxx2019 2

4 thoughts on “Week 1: 2019

  1. That definitely sounds like a tough week. Sympathy for your difficulties, and way to go for keeping the positives in mind. Here’s hoping for a better week two!


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